1 MIN3 Jan 2024

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Dr. Corey Petty

Logos is fully committed to transparency and builds in the open. This progress update is intended as a non-technical summary of the Logos projects’ recent achievements,

State of the Logos network

Logos is fully committed to transparency and builds in the open. This progress update is intended as a non-technical summary of the Logos projects’ recent achievements, current ongoings, and future engagements. For a more granular and regularly updated view, check our ecosystem roadmap.


Although many of us have been working on Logos for some time, the collective’s first public outing took place at ‘The Birth of a Network State’ during the Ethereum Community Conference in July. Logos and allied projects occupied Galerie Joseph in Paris for a full-day programme dedicated to Logos’ tech and how it can lay the foundations for a network state future. The event served as a declaration — Logos is alive.




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